An Open Letter to My Phone


Dear phone,


You have been there since I was around 8 years old. I have upgraded you a few times but I will always love you. You hold all my school work and games with scores. But mainly I can use you for social media so I can see what other people are up to. You entertain me so I’m not bored all the time.


I thought of the time when I had the blue case that didn’t protect you at all. I dropped you and you shattered leaving a lot of cracks on your screen. From now on I will protect you in my beautiful lifeproof purple case and I will be careful with you. You mean the world to me.


I remember Christmas 2010, when I got my brand new shiny silver iPad. I was so excited that I hugged it. Shortly after that, I put you in my desk drawer, which was the last time I had you in my hands. I totally forgot about you and brought my giant iPad, with its amazing blue case, everywhere I went. I couldn’t feel you anymore. I thought you were lame.


Then I realized, nothing can replace you. You are portable and fit perfectly in my pocket! This tiny handheld device can hold just about everything on it! You are the best thing I ever had!!  You are my apple baby. You can also help people be safer. We can communicate and talk on the phone if we need an idea or help. You are everything to me and I couldn’t live without you. I love you phone!❤


          -Katie ❤


4 thoughts on “An Open Letter to My Phone

  1. Once I had a phone and I was really happy about it and it was really awesome and great and then it broke and I got a hover board. so I used my hover board just like I did my phone. and then my hover board broke and I got a new phone. so now I’m waiting for my phone to break and I get a hover board. Its a chain reaction. That is my phone/hover board connection.

  2. I thought you got your message across that you love your phone. It was very funny how you talked about your phone like that. I don’t get why you love it so much because i never use my phone. My favorite line in your draft is, “You are my apple baby.” This is hilarious. I’m guessing your phone is an Apple iPhone?

  3. Nice job on your blog Katie! I wanted to read the rest of your blog when you said you had a phone since 8 years old. It’s very surprising to me when you said you thought your phone was lame after you got your ipad. Keep up the great blogs 🙂 !

    Benjamin Char

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